Save money
Save tax & NI on your monthly fees, saving the company and employees money.
Trusted Nurseries
We already work with 1,000’s of nurseries up and down the UK so you can trust in us.
Job focused
Feel confident and focused knowing children are being cared for.
Minimise absence
Improves your work/life balance with a secured 12-month Nursery placement.
Why choose us as your Workplace Nursery Provider?
We have been offering this benefit since 2004. Our web-based employee benefits service is easy for you and your employees to access and any queries are typically answered within one working day, meaning fast resolutions for busy workforces.
You will have a named account manager on hand to ensure your scheme is the perfect fit for your organisation and people.

Workplace Nursery Provision
A network of employers with workplace nurseries
We work with employers and partnered nurseries across the UK.
 We have a network of employers that we currently work with to offer this benefit and new partners are welcome. If a parent would like to use a workplace nursery and we don’t currently partner with their employer, we will contact their employer to discuss how the benefit can help them and their employees.
Queries are dealt with within 1 working day.
Contact Form
talk to our team
0800 088 7315
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get in touch
Queries are dealt with within 1 working day.
Contact Form
talk to our team
0800 088 7315